Is this world coming to?
That is the question at hand.
Ok, im browsing myspace and see that my little brother has a myspace. WHY? i do not know! he is 12 years old for god sake. At that age i was more interested as to how many birthday parties i was going to (the ones that usually involve bowling alleys and lolly bags). Then i search facebook and see that he has also got one of those! At the time when i signed up to facebook, i thought i was too young for it (was 16 at the time), but no! he has just gone in from the deep end at age 12, good luck brother. Although i'll give him a bit of credit for his myspace about me as it reads "semi-ranga".
Anywayyyyy, i now move onto more important matters. Whilst cruising myspace this afternoon (6 october 2009, for those of you playing at home), i find a page named "CULBURRA CREW". That term instantly depreciates the value of the town which i used to take pride in calling home. Its basically a group of pre-pubescent surfers that like to 'roll' in a crew/group/posse' as such. None of which have any ability in the wave riding department. It sickens, actually, it shits me to tears, that, these kids have taken it into there own hands to use the towns name in such a inhumane manner.
i feel sick, someone pass me a bucket, please..........urghhhhhh.
Exhibit A