Saturday, March 27, 2010


Couldnt be bothered doing a proper post, but just wanted to post a pic or 2 for the sake of it.

Today was pretty fun, just went down the beach after i woke up, kicked the footy at aj while he surfed, then went for a surf myself with aj. Waves were lame but it was pretty fun.

Here we have an old pic of matt at le bootycall, and 2 shots from cooks. ugh.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


A while since i last posted on this blog.

As expected, i've shot sweet f#ck all in that timeframe.
I've had maybe 3 surfs, shot twice, and went to sydney to see mickey avalon, which was a pretty damn good show.

Also, something id like to bring up, is the act of flashing your headlights to alert people, funnily enough, id call this act 'flashing'.
Back in the day, when i was a pre pubescent child sitting in the car getting taken to various swimming carnivals and games of football, i fondly remember bypassers flashing us when there was an accident up ahead, or a highway patrol officer about to bust our ass around the next bend. What happened to those days? it seems everyone in this modern day society cares about themselves, and themselves only.

Anyway, enough of me ranting, here are some photos, 2 from a session mucking around with jordi at crooky and 2 from a while ago, one of wezz in shoalhaven heads and one of damien miller at culburra shops...

Jordi spin to win.


Wezz, heads bowl.

Miller, RVCA artists network program.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


As the first ever guest poster on the all consuming, ‘cuntfacetheblog’, its my duty to remind you all I’m not Jon Glanville and he is the true mastermind here.

As none of you useless cunts are aware, school continues past year 6, shocking I know. In my recent travels to and fro the WCA or Wollongong College Australia, I have discovered many a thing. One being that Asians froth more over cigarettes than jack McCarren does over French toast and frappes....

Exibit A.

...But the most crucial and life changing thing I have learnt is never, not in your entire life, shall man force himself to not too pass a bowel movement for 3 days, it’s like a bear un-clogging after a winter in hibernation.

Stay tuned for pt.2