But this reputation could all change this friday night. Ok, get this, i log onto myspace this evening expecting some light-hearted Michael Jackson jokes and a quiz or two, all being scattered on my bulletin board. Whilst cruising through the archives i see a bulletin with a subject title of 'crooky beach party burra:):):):)'.
As you can imagine, i nearly fell off my chair, i was rather intrigued, so i open the bulletin to find this: "everyone invited this friday will be good :):):):) fire music and lots of people:)".
Not only is it not the right place to hold a party, but also just completely disrespectful. Its not the right place as it is wayyyy outta' town, got no power for this supposed 'music', and crooky has been working hard to get a good name for itself with break-ins at an all time low and good sessions at an all time high.
On a lighter note, i got this yesterday, woop!