I guess your all kinda feeling like a young canine that's been left out on a cold night to fend for itself? Or maybe you're feeling like your girlfriend has just sent you a message saying 'Guess what?! oh, nah, dont worry, i'll tell you later' but not actually telling you later, just leaving you hangin'.
Well the man behind the scenes at 'Cuntface' isn't like that at all! I havn't completely neglected you, or left you hangin', i guess i've just been waiting for the right time to tell you all.
Well, here it is. Another set just rolled through, everyone is amped to be out in some good conditions at the local reefbreak, Brenden Newton is on hand to deal out some funny stories as per usual, everyone is chatting away, talking shit, talking pits. Suddenly Brendo has a brainwave, "Lets make a movie, doesnt have to be sick, just all the guys, havin' fun, scoring waves". Everyone seems to like the idea, but the usual question soon pops up. "What would we call it?". Without even a second to spare, Brendo says "Lets call it CUNTFACEEEE!". Everyone stops talking for a second then cracks up laughing, as it is unusual that Brendo would swear. Brendo then continues to say "I dont know why people take swearing so seriously, i reckon its heaps funny!!!". The crew then discuss naming a movie 'Cuntface', and the surfing continues.
Moral of the post, The name 'Cuntface' isn't there to offend you, nor an attempt to degrade the human body. Its just there in memory of quality times, surfing, having fun.
I'll leave you with an old shot of Brendo at the local.

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