Got down there to see that the tide was reasonably high, which isnt ideal, but still some fun ones rolling through. So i get my gear out and start putting my camera into my housing. As im doing this, some sort of over excited canine runs straight towards me, splaying sand everywhere, narrowly missing my camera and such. So naturally, in my most polite voice, i tell the dog what i think of it. The owner then says something along the lines of "f**ckin grow up mate!". Some people just shouldn't be let out into society.
Anyway, here are a few from my short time out in the juice, went to town on the processing, some came out kinda cool, anyway, enjoy.
Wezz, full accidental shot, yelled some profanities when i shot this as a test shot and realised my camera was set to B+W.

Bit of a closeout, i like it though.

Jarad was the only one out, hard to linkup.

Golden curtain, light got pretty nice just after i got out there.

Golden line.

Another curtain.

One of the last shots as the sun disappeared.

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